
Track Your Subscriptions Free

TraxSub Web App

Welcome to TraxSub Web App! Keep track of your usage on streaming apps and other subscription services. With our tool, you'll have the insights to make informed decisions about when to unsubscribe, saving you money. Receive timely notifications when you've been inactive on a subscription, prompting you to unsubscribe and maximize your savings.

Invite your household members to join and collaborate! With TraxSub Web App, everyone can update their usage, ensuring accurate tracking of when content is watched.

Feel free to share your feedback with us here: Contact Us. We truly value your input and are committed to improving your experience.

Experience a Demo: Explore our features firsthand with a demo.
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Using the Tracking App

Click the Play Button: Start tracking your usage by clicking the play button when you're using a particular service, and click stop when you're done. It's that simple to begin tracking your activities.

Adding New Subscriptions

Select a Subscription or Search: Explore available subscriptions by browsing or utilizing the search feature.


Receive Email Alerts: Stay informed with notifications when you haven't utilized a subscription recently. This feature helps you save money by prompting timely decisions.


Enable Collaboration: Share your services with other users to help track their usage. Simply use your unique QR code to grant access, allowing them to view your subscriptions in their feed.

Share Selection

Customize Your Sharing Preferences: Utilize toggles in your profile to determine what information you share with each user, empowering you to manage your personal data.


Explore Your Recent Activity: Take notes to track details like the TV shows you've watched and more.

Manage Subscriptions

Enhance Your Subscriptions: Customize with Reminders, Notes, and Cost Tracking. Easily manage by searching for a subscription service or clicking on the subscription bar.